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Woman Hit by Bat at Red Sox Game Has Life-Threatening Injuries


Safety measures at Fenway Park questioned

A woman who was struck in the face by a broken bat at a Major League Baseball game Friday night has been hospitalized with life-threatening injuries.
The fan was hit in the second inning at Fenway Park in Boston when part of the bat used by Oakland Athletics third baseman Brett Lawrie broke and flew into the stands following a ground ball hit to second base.

Officials delayed the game between the A’s and the Boston Red Sox for several minutes as the woman received medical attention. She was later taken away on a stretcher. In photos and video recordings taken by bystanders, the woman could be heard screaming and was visibly bleeding. According to the Boston Globe, the woman has not been identified.
After the game, Lawrie, the A’s third baseman, said it was an unfortunate incident and said preventive safety measures for fans at Fenway Park are lacking.
“You’ve got limited netting here in Boston,” Lawrie said, according to the Boston Globe. “When you’re behind home plate and you’re along the third base side and first base side, you’ve really got to be heads-up for foul balls, anything coming into the stands, because it’s so close there’s really no time to react.”

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